Collection: RDA - Rebuildable Dripper Atomisers

Rebuildable Dripper Atomisers or RDAs are probably one of the most popular type of tanks with DIY enthusiasts. Bear's Vapes stock a massive range of RDAs, one of the biggest ranges in the UK. Squonkers and Drippers alike.

Rebuildable Dripping Atomisers, as the name suggests have a rebuildable deck where you install your own coil/s and cotton. As they don't have a tank you need to periodically drip your juice onto the cotton.

If you're looking for an RDA, whether it's single coil, dual coil, mesh coil or even some more exotic Quad coil or Series coils RDAs.

Coilart, Digiflavor, Hellvape, Geekvape, Vandy Vape, Wotofo, Vaperz Cloud, VGod, you name it, we've got it.

90 products